
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hungary and Austria

We were informed 30 minutes before leaving Timisoara, Romania to Austria. It was in a rush. We spent most of the time for the driving instead of strolling on the street. However, the view was wonderful. I spent our first night at Gyor, Hungary. The second day, we drove to Linz, Australia and overnight at Budapest, Hungary.

Linz, Austria

Lunch at Linz, Austria

Yummy muffin at Hungary

Hungary desert : Samloi Galuska

Hungary dinner: Marhaporkolt. The portion is big. It tasted like beef curry.

Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary

Father Moses suddenly informed us to get ready in 30 minutes and he was going to bring us to Vienna. It was a shock since Vienna was quite far from Faget, Romania. We started driving after lunch. We arrived Hungary in the evening and stayed in Gyor.  I was sorry that they had to wait for the stamping of my passport.
The trip was exhausted but I had never expected to visit Hungary and Austria with a free ride. Even though we not spend much time in the city, the view along the journey was amazing.

Barcelona: Gaudi and Happy Shitty Christmas

Placa de Catalunya

Placa de Catalunya

Gaudi's masterpiece /Park Guell, 12km from town center/ take bus 24

Gaudi architecture :The landmark of Barcelona: Sagrada Familia

National Art Museum

Olympica Stadium

Torre de Calatrava, at Olympica

Fundacio Joan Miro.shy shy / dear Montijuic

Gaudi Architecture: La Pedrera

Gaudi Architecture: Lleo Morera 
Placa Reial


The Roman city

The old Jewish Quarter

Roman Forum

The cathedral


Spanish Market at La Rambla

Gaudi extraordinary architectures are the main attraction of Barcelona " Sagrada Familia, Guell Park....I don't know much about architecture but I really enjoy his works.
There are few free city tours you can join. :)
I visited Apple Store at Placa Catalunya, it was amazing. The high technology was so near to me.
La Rambla is the most busy street. I enjoyed the walk from Catalunya via La Rambla to the port. Many people rests at the port, the view is amazing. The disadvantage is you need to pay for toilet at Maremegnum. I went to the toilet of Burger King along La Rambla, fee :)
There was a long queue for Sagrada Familia ticketing. Please buy the ticket in advance.
Starting from Placa Espanya, walk to the south, you will see National Art Museum. There are free escalators sending you up to the mountain to Olympica. After visiting, I took Funicular de Montjuic to Catalunya. Quite good experience. The fare was cheap too, 1.25 Euro only.

The day (22 February 2013) was the coolest in winter 2013. It was snowing. This was the second snowing for the last twenty years.

Caganer / Barcelona shitter / the defecating man weird but funny. You can find popular politicians, soccer players, film stars' defecating figures here. happy shitty Christmas :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Carnival at Corese Terra

Just in front of the church. Two days carnival.

Black baby nipple

We are the world!

who is going to sweep the floor?

who is standing beside Winne the pool?

Pigeon contest

Reiti, one day trip

Rieti is a city in Lazio, the central city of Italia. The town centre rests on a small hilltop, commanding a wide plain at the southern edge of an ancient lake. Surrounded by moutains!!!

Too cold, even fountain freezed

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

St Biagio Day in Coresse Terra, Rome

I never heard about St Biagio Day before the celebration. I google about it :

The memory of Saint Biagio is underlined on February 3, by celebrating one of those most significant moments of the new season - Par San Biasi, doi ore squasi, the proverb says pointing out the longer permanence in the sky compared to the winter solstice. Saint Biagio is represented as an old hermit who lives in a cave and survives with the help of wild animals that bring food to him from the woods. Among the miraculous healing that has been attributed to him, the most famous one talk about a baby that got a big fish bone stuck in his throat. The saint touched his throat and the bone melted, this is the reason why Saint Biagio is considered to be the protector of the throat and of all the sicknesses related to it, such as throat ache, laryngitis, and hoarseness. Also in the modern official liturgy there is still a brief and strange ceremony: two blessed candles are crossed over the people's throats and Saint Biagio's protection is called upon with their words: "For the prayers and the merits of Saint Biagio, God will free you of throat ache and any other aches". Saint Biagio lived in Sebaste, in Cappadocia (modern day Turkey) between the third and fourth century and he was martyred by having his limbs pulled off with big combs similar to the ones used to comb wool, therefore, he is also considered the patron of the wool combers.
3rd February 2013. Evening celebration

4th February 2013: Daytime market for St Baigio Day

Movie about the celebration but not rotation, sorry

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rome, a weird and lovely province

Somethings attract my eyesight in Rome

All the shop are on sell. But I like their window designs

The artist I like

They park their cars in different ways!

1. When the flight landed, passengers clapped their hands for celebrating safe landing.
2. My host, Marcello told me that Italians are liars. Once, a couple from Swizland was fined by the police, Italians were surprised when they paid the fine. 
3. My wwoofer friend, Louis from Sapin also said that Spanish were dishonest. I wonder I should trust Marcello and Louis whether Italians and Spanish were liars.

I wwoof at Corese Terra with Pompilio family for three weeks (22 Januray to 12 February 2013).
Nonna Rosa: I miss her so much. She is 82 but she is so healthy. She works day and night and never get tire. She works at the farm during daytimes and does some sewing works during night time. She is a great cook. She is such a kind nonna. Her birthday is one day before Valentine Day (13 February).
Pompilio: He is kind and always treats me nice. Although he can speak simple English only, he always offers help.
Luis: A Spanish volunteer. He is a naughty young man. He just keeps eating but he is thin. I like the interaction between nonna and him. The scene always warmed my heart. They have inspired me to write a children story. After he left, the laughter get lesser.
Nuno: A Portuguese volunteer. He is serious in food consumption.  
Food: I have never eaten so many kiwis in my life. I eat around  5 kiwis per day. (100+ kiwis for three weeks!!!!!), first time to eat Feijoa. . I never ‘drink’ so many olive oils in my life too. I also eat Gnocchi (potatoes + eggs + flour), Ie risotto, robioli, Carciofi, caffe e Ricotta….I gain weight here. There are unlimited white wine are served.