
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wales (Bethesda, Bodnant Garden, Llandudno,, Haverfordwest, Cardiff & NewPort)


Mountain at the back of Nicki's house



Festival in Llanfairfechan


Bodnant Garden

Morris Dance




Old town

Pembrokeshire Beach


British Beer that Cameron gave to Obama..I drink the same beer with Obama!

 New Port


Wales is suburban so it is friendly for hitchhiker. It is a wonderful country for those who prefer nature to city.  City is small and walkable. There are full of nature for exploring but too much rain.

Tourists to Llandudno usually are not so young since the beach is too cold to swim and it is quite cloudy. It is good place for couple who like strolling at the beach. 

Haverfordwest is a small city. If you intend to visit the city, couple hours is enough. The beaches nearby are pretty but too cloudy. Maybe you have the change to have a good glance of the beauty of Atlantic Ocean. It is also a good place for surfing. I drank cider with my host, it was great.

Cardiff is the most popular tourist destination in Wales due to the convenient of transportation and its beauty. Castle, beach, heritage building...I drank Hoglobin which is a summer British beer that Cameron presented to Obama. 

New Port is just a small city. I sat at the square during weekend evening to observe those who came out for drinking. As I observed, ladies all dress up but males just dressed casually. Ladies usually came up with groups, either all girl or mixed. Males usually turned up two in pair (just friends).

  People that I met

Nicky and her family
Nicky’s home is cozy. Rooms were like caves and well decorated. Her home was just next to Snowdonia. Her sons were well-educated, polite and genius. Her first son (Harry) has travelled around the world and her second son was studying at Cambridge University. I joined Harry to a Welsh family party, it was a wonderful experience. Nicky fed me all the meals and arranged many activities for me. I followed her friends to Bodnant Garden to watch the Morris Dancing Show and the beautiful garden. I met a lot of Morris Dancers, they offered a lift to Llundudno (Christ and Mary) so I did not to hitch hike.

Christopher (Cardiff)
He put a lot of time and effort for the refurnishing of his home. I used to plan to buy a low-cost house in my future. He inspired me to build a sweet sweet home. Although he is an English, he prepared many Wales foods for me. We have breakfasts, lunches and dinners together. He sacrificed the time for watching Wimbledon tennis match (Murray won the champion!) to show me around the city. I am touched. hahah

Manjunath S
He is a children doctor in Cardiff but lives is New Port. He is too busy to host me. However, I can't find a host during weekend, he struggled a lot to host me since he never left a stranger at home while he is not around. I am really appreciated for his trust.
Even though he can stay in UK but he longs for going back to Bangalore after his practical. 




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