
Friday, May 17, 2013

Kosovo (7 May to 11 May)

Ferizaj (7 May: pass by)

ingredient : cheese bread. daily bread in Kosovo
A Mosque and a church: neighbour!

Prishtina (7 May to 9 May)

every country in Balkan try related themselves with Mother Teresa
National Libruary

 Prizren (10 -11 May 2013)


People that I met : Winfried Berndt
I arrived Prishtina around 10am. The city is nothing much to explore. Some buildings are interesting such as libruary. Rexhep Luci Street is full of bars or pubs and foreigners.
Chating with Winfried was a great experience. He had worked in Center Asia for around 10 years. There were so many interesting stories in those isolated countries.
Prizren is a heritage city. One day trip is good.
Prizren gave a bad information since the pretty staff  at Vendor Bus company( maybe the name is not correct but this is the only company which provides service to Montenegro) tried to cheat me. She told me the price to Podgorica was 20 Euro but after few seconds she corrected the price to 18 Euro. After long time discussion, she tried her best to help a poor traveler like me (after I reject my purchasing on the spot), giving me discount and warmed me that the bus driver may be dishonest…blab la…after she made few call and she succeed to get a cheap price for me ..15 Euro. Actually, 15 Euro is the fix price. My aunt just left her shop 30 minutes before my arrival. I met my aunt after leaving the company. I was really surprise d that she tried to cheat me since she was not an agent. She was a pretty but dishonest woman. Anyone help me to make a complaint to her boss!
Prizren is a heritage city. The best is no admission for all of the site seeing. We met an Albanian and had a nice conservation. He was upset that Kosovo is a secular country without applying Sharia law.

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